Research on Workspace of a Spherical 2-DOF Parallel Manipulator with Actuation Redundancy 球面二自由度冗余驱动并联机器人可达工作空间的分析
The main objectives of computer networks are resource sharing, parallel computation and redundancy. 计算机网络的主要目的是资源共享、并行计算、冗余。
To meet the requirement of switch-based transmission network for communication reliability, IEC62439 protocol is introduced and PRP ( Parallel Redundancy Protocol) is adopted. 为适应采用交换机网络进行通信对传输网本身可靠性提出的要求,介绍了IEC62439标准描述的高实用性自动网络通信协议。
In addition, the parallel and redundancy are implemented by using SKR signal wires and data communication methods in emergency shutdown for enhancing reliability of the system. 同时,急停系统采用SKR信号线和数据通信两种方式实现并行冗余,提高了系统数据通信的可靠性。
On the Vibration Reduction of Elastic Parallel Manipulators by Actuation Redundancy 冗余驱动消减弹性并联机器人振动的研究
Force Index Analysis of the Planar 2-DOF Parallel Manipulators With Actuation Redundancy 平面两自由度驱动冗余并联机器人的承载能力分析
However, most of the complexity and diversity of a species in ecosystem are made of parallel connection structure, the ecosystem redundancy is raised, the stability of the ecosystem reliable work can be strengthened by increasing the redundancy of the system. 生态系统物种的复杂性和多样性,大部分表现为构成并连结构,提高系统冗余度,因而能增强系统可靠工作的稳定性。
The singularity of spatial parallel mechanism and its elimination using actuation redundancy are described. 对空间并联机构的奇异性和冗余驱动消除机构奇异进行了研究。
The paper analyzes the reliability of series system, parallel system, getting K from n system and reserve system, briefly deduces a part of formulas and proves the high reliability of the redundancy system. 本文利用可靠性理论,对串联系统、并联系统、n中取K表决系统及备用系统进行了可靠性分析,简要地推导了部分公式,论证了冗余系统所具有的高可靠性。
In this thesis, differential planetary gear train control system based on mechanical motion composition and clutch control system based on current addition are proposed for parallel/ active redundancy actuator system, whose features are discussed. 本论文针对并行/主动式余度作动系统提出基于机械运动合成的差动周转轮系控制方案和基于电流迭加的离合器控制方案,并指出各自的特点。
Parallel inverters can expand capacity and realize redundancy in power supply system, so they are now considered as one of the most important part in the field of inverter technology. 多台逆变器并联可实现大容量供电和冗余供电,因而被公认为当今逆变技术发展的重要方向之一。
The paper discusses several problems which are commonly encountered while applying uninterruptable power, such as: parallel power feed, leakage, switch-on or generator switch-on, parallel connection of UPS and redundancy. 对不间断电源使用过程中经常遇到的几个问题,如双路供电、漏电、开关及发电机接入、UPS的并联及冗余等问题进行了简单的探讨。
Fundamental Study on the Mechanism Design of a Spherical Parallel Manipulator with Redundancy 一种球面冗余并联机器人机构设计的基础研究
So, DPSR ( Distributed Parallel System Reconfiguration), one intelligent system reconfiguration mechanism based on dynamic data redundancy, is presented. 为此,提出通过数据动态冗余实现的具有分布式并行处理能力的系统智能化重构机制&分布式并行系统重构DPSR(DistributedParallelSystemReconfiguration)。
Based on parallel mechanism kinematics and probability theory, the joint error analysis of a 3-DOF parallel machine with actuation redundancy ( PMAR) was presented. 基于并联机构运动学及概率论,对一种3-DOF驱动冗余并联机床进行了铰链间隙误差分析,分析了球铰间隙对动平台中心点位姿的影响。
The parallel generation method for Cyclic Redundancy Code ( CRC) is discussed in this paper. The hardware implementations for 2 kinds of CRC used in USB protocol are presented. 讨论了并行计算循环冗余校验码(CRC)的原理,并以USB协议使用的两种CRC的计算为例给出了硬件并行实现CRC的设计方法。
Based on the analysis of topology structure of parallel mechanisms, we present a new classification of redundancy of parallel mechanisms in three groups: configuration space redundancy, actuation redundancy and end effector redundancy. 在对并联机构的拓扑结构进行分析的基础上,提出了一种新的冗余并联机构的分类方法,即把冗余并联机构分为位形空间冗余,驱动冗余和末端执行器冗余三种类型。
This paper will research in structure design of parallel mechanisms, inverse kinematics and based on three-pyramid method forward kinematics, analysis and synthesis of workspace and the problem of optimal tension distributing of actuation redundancy for aircraft wind tunnels. 本论文将从并联柔索牵引机构的结构设计、运动学反解和基于三棱锥法的运动学正解、工作空间分析及超确定输入的柔索拉力分布优化等方面进行研究。
Data parallel computational grid model based dynamic redundancy 基于动态冗余机制的数据并行型计算网格模型
In the case of designing for a large-scale industrial electric automatic control system, parts or sections of the design are often needed some higher or the highest reliability and also needed to hot backup for the parallel system ( or the redundancy system). 在大型工业电气自动化控制系统设计的时候,经常会遇到一些可靠性要求较高的设计内容,需要双机热备份。
The technology approach of complementary isolation is that it makes a pair of normal open contacts of a power electromagnetic relay in parallel with two poles of the output diode, and adopts a redundancy control signal to control the contacts on closing or opening state. 互补隔离技术法为在输出二极管两个端子上并联功率电磁继电器的一对常开触点,并用冗余控制信号对触点的闭合或释放状态进行控制。
The application of a parallel redundancy technique to a power drive unit 均流冗余技术在功率驱动中的应用
A novel 2-DOF parallel platform with actuation redundancy is put forward. 提出了一种新型空间两自由度冗余驱动摇摆台机构。
The more of parallel structure and the more of internal behaviors, the redundancy rate is higher. 而且,并行路径数目越多,内部行为数量越大,冗余率就越高。
The experiments have recorded and tested the single point type of diffractive elements, and the focused laser beam in diffractive elements input by the parallel beam in different angles has obtained good diffraction effects. Thus it is clear that the diffraction elements have a better angle redundancy. 实验记录并测试了单点型衍射元件,不同角度的平行光输入后的聚焦光束在衍射元件上获得了良好的衍射,证明元件具有较好的角度冗余性。
According to the mechanical characteristics of the bridge, used the analytic hierarchy process to build the multi-level evaluation model of bridge carrying capacity, and introduced the conception of series components, parallel components redundancy components. 根据桥梁的受力特点,以层次分析法建立桥梁承载能力的多层次评估模型,引入串联构件、并联构件和赘余构件概念。
The method, which makes the hardware circuits simple and low system cost, can meet the requirements of the parallel redundancy DC-DC converters and three-stage battery charging simultaneously, and can effectively improve system reliability and extend battery life. 该方法能够同时满足DC-DC变换器并联冗余和蓄电池三段式充电的要求,有效地提高系统可靠性和延长蓄电池使用寿命。